Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Party

Auntie Anne and Uncle Neil hav e just had Christmas lunch and are full. Checking the Blog spot.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Neighbourhood Watch Update

The local police have informed us that there has been a substantial increase in the amount of "bogus caller" crime and residents should be very wary of callers. Check credentials before allowing people to enter your home. Also be wary of young strangers asking to enter your home for any reasons e.g. asking to retrieve their ball from your garden.

Monday, September 20, 2004

End of Season Barbie!

The Brockholme barbecue season was officially drawn to a close (sorry Mike) on Saturday 18th September. Following a worrying downpour in the morning a glorious afternoon appeared and the barbie, hosted by Joy and Colin at Brockingham Palace, was a great success.
A couple of new kids on the block were present for their first barbie - Tom and Adam, along with the well seasoned usual noisy crowd!



Saturday, September 04, 2004

Having your say

If you want to post something to this site under your own name (rather than Dave's) you need to create your own account when you log into Once you have done this, let Dave know either the blogger username that you have created or your email address associated with the username. He can then authorise you to post articles onto the site. Happy blogging!

Barbie at th Barbie, in cool shades! Posted by Hello

Enjoying the fire! This is just to test out a photo upload. Posted by Hello

Neighbourhood Watch

The word is that Bertie Burglar has been active in this area, particularly targetting garden sheds. The advice from our local police officer is to ensure that you have a good padlock on the shed, and if possible, chain together some of the larger, valuable items i.e. lawnmowers, bikes etc.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Celebration of the 50's

On Bankholiday Monday the much delayed celebration of Barb and Caths "coming of age" occurred. Sue provided the venue and much of the food and, as ever, others in the street contributed food and wine. despte threatening to be bad the weather turned out to be great and everyone seemed to have a great time. Best wishes to Barbara and Cath from the Editor! Photographic evidence can be seen at

Monday, August 30, 2004

The Postman Doesn't Ring Once!

Did you notice that the post was thin in the early part of August? Is there something you expected to recieve through the mail that never arrived? It seems that during a period from Saturday the 7thAugust through to Wednesday the 11th August a number of homes received no post at all.

This was not a case of some unloved members of the Road being ignored by their chums. Bank statements, mortgage documents, birthday presents and a variety of other expected items, confirmed as sent, never arrived. Mike Fitzpatrick and Joy Woolstenhome have been trying to secure an adequate response from the Royal Mail. Todate Joy has had what could only be described as a stock response and Mike an enourmous amount of frustration.

Trying to speak to someone who treats the complaint seriously has involved Mike in 'phone calls as far afield as Plymouth and Bangor. Unfortunately the Royal Mail don't even count the post as lost untill it has been missing for 15 days.

If you think you should have received something this month you had better check with the sender and if it has not come add your voice to the list of complainants by witting to :
Karen Robinson, Customer Service Advisor, Royal Mail Customer Services Centre, PO Box 740, Stoke on Trent, ST1 5XZ, 'phone number 08457 000 606. Of course, as Mike will confirm, it may not do you any good.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Boston, culture and pubs

Val and Ellie in old Boston
Val and Ellie in old Boston

The Jeppos teamed up with the Brewers for a few days in the New Hampshire White Mountains and Boston.

Water parks, swimming pools, trails, restaurants, culture, and of course pubs.

A tour of the Heritage Trail round Boston had to be broken in a microbrewery pub for the two Daves, so Val and Ellie got stuck into the wine.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Salmon Update

Dave Brewerooney produced a fabulous breakfast for Val Dave and Ellie. The champagene and orange was a welcome reviver after a night of excess with neighbours.

Monday, January 05, 2004

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

Val's birthday breakfast
Val's breakfast

Val's birthday breakfast on Sunday will be smoked salmon and scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes washed down with champagne and orange.

It will be prepared in the kitchen by Hertfordshire's leading chef, Davido Brewerooney, with his two assistants, Tom and Mike.

Ellie will be preparing and tasting the booze as usual.

The whole event kicks off at 9.30 and pygamas are optional.

The only thing the chef requests is that the bottles from the previous night's debauchery are cleared away prior to his arrival in the new kitchen to commence his activities.