The Brockholme barbecue season was officially drawn to a close (sorry Mike) on Saturday 18th September. Following a worrying downpour in the morning a glorious afternoon appeared and the barbie, hosted by Joy and Colin at Brockingham Palace, was a great success.
A couple of new kids on the block were present for their first barbie - Tom and Adam, along with the well seasoned usual noisy crowd!
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Barbie at th Barbie, in cool shades!
Enjoying the fire! This is just to test out a photo upload.
The word is that Bertie Burglar has been active in this area, particularly targetting garden sheds. The advice from our local police officer is to ensure that you have a good padlock on the shed, and if possible, chain together some of the larger, valuable items i.e. lawnmowers, bikes etc.
On Bankholiday Monday the much delayed celebration of Barb and Caths "coming of age" occurred. Sue provided the venue and much of the food and, as ever, others in the street contributed food and wine. despte threatening to be bad the weather turned out to be great and everyone seemed to have a great time. Best wishes to Barbara and Cath from the Editor! Photographic evidence can be seen at