A community forum for the residents of Brockholme Road and the wider area of Mossley Hill, Liverpool.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Lights Turn On
The countdown has begun to the lights turn on. As usual there will be a countdown to the big switch on a 5.00pm on Sunday 11 December 2005. Then members of the Road will be able to take part in a mobile party. Photos and reports tomorrow!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
"Eve Green" -Bland!

This was the verdict of the Brockholme Road Bookclub when it met last night to discuss the novel by Susan Fletcher. The best review was a grudging "alright" but the consensus seemed to be "give that one a miss".
It was agreeed that the next Bookclub meeting would be on 13 January in Val's, (24 - house number not age!) and that the next book would be "My Sisters Keeper" by Jodi Picault. This was recommended by both Joy and Margaret for the future apportionment of blame!
It was also agreed that "The Great Gatsby" would be the book after next. So plenty to go for - happy reading !
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Latest Addition to Brockholme Road
Bonfire Night 2005

Last night some of the neighbours got together at Rebecca and Alan's for a Bonfire night Party. Fire works were spectacular particularly the last one. Highlights of the night were gastronomical. Alan's pork was excellent and the crackling best ever, Kath's sticky toffee pudding was also a tremendous hit and the chillies were the usual excellent standard. Joy was much missed, her official representative, Colin, said she was sad about having to stay at home. Hope she is feeling better.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Joe Celebrates '40's!
Brockholme Road Book Club
The Book club has been going for almost about a year and has reviewed a number of books. It meets about once a month. If you are intereted incoming to the next one contact Nuala for details
Dates for the Diary
Herewith some dates for the diary
11November Book Club
“Eve Green” by Susan Fletcher
at Nuala’s house
Sunday 11 December - Lights Switch On
Countdown to 5.00pm switch on.
11November Book Club
“Eve Green” by Susan Fletcher
at Nuala’s house
Sunday 11 December - Lights Switch On
Countdown to 5.00pm switch on.