Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bonfire Night 2006

The prooposal is to have the Bonfire night party on Saturday 4 November in Alan and Rebeccas' garden. The minutes of the organisers will be published in due course.

Moonwalk by Brockholme Belles

There is a proposal that the ladys of Brockholme Road do the Moonwalk. A marathon walk in London on 19 May 2007. The event is to raise money for breast cancer research. All those interested need to speak to Joy (No 1) by Saturday 21 October.

Brockholme Road Book Club

The book club met tonight and discussed Louis de Bernieres book "Birds Without Wings". The universal view was that this was a great book, one of the best that the club has read todate. The sweep of history mingled with the lives of individuals was both informative and enjoyable. The characters were utterly believable and even the history bits were manageable.

The next meeting of the book club is on Friday 24 November at Joy's house, 1 Brockholme Road. The book is Mirriam Toews novel "A Complicated Kindness". Other books mentioned for future meetings were "Arthur and George" by Julian Barnes and Maggie O'Farrels' "The Vanishing Act".

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Book Club

The next meeeting of the Brockholme Road book club is on Thursday 19 October. this months book is Louis de Bernieres novel Birds Without Wings.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ping Pong World Cup!

Dave and David shared the honours in the ping pong championships held on the night of Englands first game in the World Cup. Dave (S) won a tense final against David (Mc) after a series of knock out games that were increasingly aggressive. Posted by Picasa

Ice Bodies

Following the success of the bog bodies talk last year it is proposed to have another talk this year about ice bodies. Watch this space for further details

Brockholme Road Bookclub

Friday 14 July
The Club met to discuss Douglas Coupland's novel "Hey Nostradamus!". Consensus seemed to be that the book was a good holiday read. Quite gripping but not a great read. It starts with a high school massacre and goes downhill from there. Despite the subject matter it did not have the gritty, gut-renching power of The Kite Runner nor the unremitting gulit trip of "We must Talk About Kevin". All in all a light read.

The next book is Richard Yates book "Revolutionary Road". Originaly published in 1961 the story is about the emptyness of American suburban life for a young couple in the 1950's. The book will be discussed at the book club on Friday 8 September 2006 at Barbara and Dave's house (No 26) at 8.00 pm.

The book after that will be "Birds Without Wings" by Louis de Bernieres of "Captain Corelli" fame. Good reading for the summer.